Our Solutions:
  1. Responsibility:
      If our company is responsible for the issue, we will allow a return to our warehouse for a refund or an exchange.
      Once we receive the item, we will refund in full the original product price or resend for free a replacement at our expense. This solution is only when the site is responsible for shipping the wrong item/ size.
  1. Customer's responsibility
Incorrect order(size of item)
      If the customer has ordered an incorrect size or product, we can also allow a return. In this case, the customer will be responsible for the shipping fee both ways (to and from our warehouse) for an exchange. If the customer chooses a refund, we will refund the original product price. All and any shipping fees are non-refundable.
Unwanted item
      If the customer decides that they no longer want the item or simply want to exchange the item, they can report this to us within a few days of receiving the product for a partial refund of the product cost.